Day May 9, 2016

Civic Education and transparency

media and democratic sustainable society

ORDO has experience in civic education having carried out various capacity building programs for local authorities. The aim of the civic education was to empower the local authorities in issues related to good governance and the rule of law. ORDO…

Highlighting human rights violations


ORDO continues to make positive contributions by perpetually highlighting human rights violations and the deteriorating security situation affecting the majority of citizens. Specifically ORDO, has renewed sense of commitment and partnership that seeks to build on their individual successes and…

Income Generation programs

In 2004, ORDO, and UNICEF jointly rehabilitated the Youth Multipurpose Centre (YMPC) in Jowhar to provide a space for the youth to engage in recreational activities that are non-threatening and that promote positive development.  Today, this centre consists of a…

Community Relief and Rehabilitation

In 2014, ORDO, with the financial support of WFP, implemented a food provision and rehabilitation programs aimed at supporting and restoring food security, nutrition and establish or build livelihoods in fragile settings. This program improved the socio-economic situation of 800…

Awareness on HIV/AIDS

Through this program, in partnership with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), ORDO has mobilized in the fight against HIV/AIDS, through awareness creation on methods of prevention, treatment and care. The overall objective of the project is to build the…


ORDO has been actively involved in child rescue operations for the past 7 years and has played key roles in rehabilitating young militias and providing them with education and employment opportunities. In addition to this, ORDO has provided a safe…